By caris gisa Friday, January 31, 2020 Rumah Rumah Roy Marten Sempat Kebanjiran, Intip 7 Potret Terkini -, Jakarta Puluhan tahun berkiprah sebagai aktor nasional, membuat Roy Marten tak hanya terkenal di mata masyarakat. Hartanya...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 Rumah Lorong Rumah Sakit Islam Surabaya Sempat Diterjang Banjir - CNN Indonesia Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Banjir di sejumlah wilayah dan jalan Kota Surabaya , terpantau berangsur surut. Namun tidak untuk titik Jalan A...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 Rumah Efisien, Ini Kelebihan Layanan Medis di Rumah - Pasien mendapat dukungan psikologis 1 Februari 2020 Unsplash/CDC Merawat anggota keluarga dengan penyakit kronis memiliki ...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 House Kentucky House votes to add sexual harassment to ethics code - WHSV FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — The Kentucky House voted Friday to strengthen the legislative ethics code by adding sexual harassment to the list of...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 House This colorful, cartoon-worthy house is made out of 2 million Legos - TODAY It’s part of an installation to showcase the toy company’s new product called Lego Dots, which are similar to regular Legos except for their...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 House How to buy a house - WSAZ-TV HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- Lorre Wilson and Justin Meade from Exp. Realty provide tips on how to buy a house. Let's block ads! (Why...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 Rumah Diduga Korsleting Listrik, Rumah Panggung di Sukabumi Ludes Terbakar - Detiknews Sukabumi - Kebakaran melanda sebuah rumah panggung milik warga Kampung Pangkalan, RT 03 RW 03, Desa Cisitu, Kecamatan Nyalindung, Kabupate...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 House House votes to rein in Trump's military authority | TheHill - The Hill The House on Thursday voted to repeal the 2002 authorization for the use of military force (AUMF), which the Trump administration has used t...
By caris gisa January 31, 2020 House Why nearly every house will eventually have solar power - The Mercury News MENLO PARK, CA – Solar installers from Cinnamon Energy Systems install solar panels, Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019, on a home in Menlo Park, C...